Good evening folks, With Scotland set to enter Phase 1 of lockdown easing tomorrow, we take a look at what it means for you - and what you can and can't do. Things are in no way back to normal: we're not out of the woods just yet. We must all continue to take measures to contain the spread of the virus. This is merely the beginning. What can I do now that I couldn't before? Meet up with one other household outdoors - but keep gatherings to eight people or fewer and stay 2 metres apart Sunbathe and relax in parks - while adhering to social distancing measures Golf, tennis, bowling and other non-contact sports will be allowed Visit garden centres and some drive-through food outlets Travel by walking or cycling for recreation - but government advice is to limit journeys to a 5-mile radius What else should I be aware of? Limit meeting friends / family to ONE household per day Keep washing your hands and avoid touching surfaces like gates, walls, fences and park benches Don't go into anyone else's house You should still stay at home as much as possible Take care, stay safe, and remember to be responsible and use common sense. Your Scotsman team A message from the editorial director While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you. With the coronavirus lockdown having a major impact on many of our advertisers - and consequently the revenue we receive - we are more reliant than ever on you taking out a digital subscription. Subscribe to and enjoy unlimited access to Scottish news and information online and on our app. With a digital subscription, you can read more than 5 articles, see fewer ads, enjoy faster load times, and get access to exclusive newsletters and content. Visit now to sign up. Our journalism costs money and we rely on advertising, print and digital revenues to help to support them. By supporting us, we are able to support you in providing trusted, fact-checked content for this website. Joy Yates
Editorial Director |