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Monday, 13 August 2018 | 01:54
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Tanker Market: VLCC Market Still Lacking Upwards Momentum


Basis 270,000mt AG/China rates slipped to WS 52, with talk of 2004-built tonnage agreeing WS 49.5. Total fixed to Japan at WS 50, while Korea also went at WS 50. For USG rates also softened to around WS 24.25

Genscape : Permian Basin Drilling Results in Continued Growth of PADD 3 Diesel Demand


Diesel demand in the U.S. Gulf Coast (PADD 3) has shown remarkable year-on-year growth in 2017 and 2018, according to Genscape Supply Side data, linked to the resurgence in Permian Basin crude oil production. However, this year-on-year diesel demand growth

China’s Ministry of Transport said it is soliciting feedback from oil companies, shipowners’ and port associations, and marine authorities for
The overall value of bulk carriers on the water remains higher than the global Tanker fleet. However, the amount of
World oil indexes edged up at the start of the week on the implementation of the first round of sanctions
The Unifeeder Group (‘Unifeeder'), the largest Pan-European feeder and shortsea operator, today announced the signing of the agreed acquisition of
A pilot project between GE Transportation and the Port of Long Beach to enhance advance planning at the busiest port
A smart port thanks to innovative technology: that’s what the port of Antwerp is fast becoming. Now a new milestone
The use of tugboats to assist vessels in and out of our harbours can be traced back to the mid-19th
Anxiety over the COSCO-OOCL deal and a loss of traffic on the US West Coast are occupying port managers’ minds.
It has been a trying few weeks for Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, president of Djibouti, at a time when most other
As the U.S. finalized its list of $16 billion of products from China that will be subject to a 25%
This year, the US has turned into the world’s largest oil producer alongside top exporters Saudi Arabia and Russia, all
Asian spot liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices held largely steady this week as healthy demand and relatively tight supplies supported
Four ships, Tempanos, African Buzzard, Argent Hibiscus and Al-Soor-II carrying Containers, 55,000 tonnes Coal, 31,845 tonnes Chemicals and 54,972 tonnes
Container ship growth has cascaded into dry bulk handling as operators demand larger mobile harbour cranes to provide handling for
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