| Dear John, | | YOUR ACTION TODAY WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE TO PUT RFK JR. ONTO THE DEBATE STAGE | | On June 27, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was illegally excluded from the first presidential debate hosted by CNN. | | Why? | | Because the establishment knows including Bobby on the debate stage ensures that he will be our next president. | | It is that simple. | | We must not let that happen again. That’s why we’re petitioning to have Bobby included in any upcoming debates. | | SIGN PETITION | | Leading up to the debate, we pointed out CNN’s blatant double standard allowing President’s Biden and Trump on stage despite not having secured their party’s nomination. | | Then Biden dropped out of the race. Which exposed their hypocrisy to the world and made a mockery of the democratic process. | | RFK Jr. was excluded even though he had already gathered enough signatures to qualify for 348 electoral votes. | | LET BOBBY SPEAK! | | History shows that open debates are vital to democracy. | | The first televised presidential debate on September 26, 1960, between Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard Nixon, was a pivotal moment in American politics. | | Kennedy was well-prepared and appeared calm and confident, while Nixon looked tired and nervous. | | This stark contrast boosted Kennedy's image as a capable leader and played a significant role in his election victory. | | SIGN PETITION | | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the strongest independent candidate in a generation. | | Team Kennedy has amassed over a million signatures nationwide and has raised over $52 million! | | The American people deserve to hear from all viable candidates. It's unacceptable to let partisan interests dictate who gets to speak in our electoral process. | | We call for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s inclusion in presidential debates, ensuring a fair and transparent democratic process. | | Please join us in this crucial cause. Sign the petition to demand RFK Jr.'s participation in the upcoming debates. | | SIGN PETITION | | Let every voice be heard, and let democracy prevail. | | Team Kennedy | TeamKennedy.com | |
| Donate today to put a Kennedy back in the White House — Elect Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as President to unite America in 2024! | | Make sure to join us on Social Media to help spread our campaign's message and put Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the White House! | |
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