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NN/g Newsletter
New Articles

Defining UX-Career Progression: What Practitioners Say


Rachel Krause · 6 min read


UX career progression is not singularly defined, though it typically involves a mix of measurable signals and gut feelings. Growth in the industry is often described as slow and inflexible due to a lack of consistent, measurable criteria and reliable personal-tracking tools.


The Negative Impact of Mobile-First Web Design on Desktop


Kim Salazar, Tim Neusesser, and Nishi Chitale · 11 min read


Mobile-first web designs cause significant usability issues when viewed on desktop. Content becomes overly dispersed across long scrolling pages with expansive white space and enlarged images and fonts, making it difficult for users to consume and understand the information.


New Videos

🎥 Stakeholder Interviews 101


Sarah Gibbons · 5 min video

UX-stakeholder interviews help us gather any information that may help shape the design process, define success metrics, and ultimately meet stakeholder expectations.

🎥 UX Resumes: 10 Things to Remove


Evan Sunwall · 5 min video

Supercharge your UX resume’s effectiveness by prioritizing substance over style, reducing bias, and highlighting results.

🎥 Passwordless Accounts


Raluca Budiu · 5 min video

A new pattern allows users to create an account without defining a password. Later on, they can log in through an OTP or a passkey.

UX Training
US/Europe (Virtual)
October 29 – November 3
Full-day courses

US/Europe (Virtual)
November 13–18
Full-day courses · Learning paths

US/Europe (Virtual)
December 2–8
Full-day courses

Full event program describing all full-day UX training courses and the virtual conference format.
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