Media Winners & Losers

Billy Porter

We have full coverage of the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention in our special section below.

But we had to separate out the performance of hit 60's protest song For What It’s Worth at the end of the evening. For one thing, because it was a break-the-internet moment. And for another, because most cable news networks cut away before it was streamed.

A shame, because it was a stunning and surreal performance by actor and singer Billy Porter accompanied by Stephen Stills of Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Still, Nash, and Young fame, who wrote the song.

The song was originally inspired by the 1966 riots on Sunset Strip, also known as the “hippie riots" at the time. Porter honored the protest song by singing in front of images from the recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations, including athletes kneeling during the national anthem.

The reception and reviews were exceptional, and the moment continues to trend on social media.

It's a can't miss media moment.

Mike Lindell

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is pitching experimental botanical extract oleandrin as a treatment for the Coronavirus, and he got President Donald Trump's ear on the subject, it was revealed this week.

The details and sketchiness of the product, which Dr. Ben Carson has also promoted, were so surprising to CNN's Jake Tapper that on Monday, he said sometimes he feels like he's "broadcasting from inside the movie Idiocracy."

Lindell has been facing criticism in the media and online, but really graduated to total media fail in
a trainwreck interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper earlier today.

Put it this way: the veteran anchor at one point asked Lindell "How do you sleep at night?" and, a few minutes later, “How are you different than a snake oil salesman?"

Cooper followed up with another interview, this time with emergency physician Dr. Jake Deutsch, who obliterated Lindell.

Lindell is going to need a very soft pillow indeed after the beating he took today in the media. Definitely the day's loser.


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The A-Block


Former First Lady Michelle Obama tore into President Donald Trump in her DNC convention speech Monday night for being divisive and lacking empathy during his first term.

Mrs. Obama talked about the seriousness required of the president of the United States, including “a devotion to facts and history, a moral compass, and an ability to listen,” and said that people who didn’t think their votes mattered four years ago for a number of reasons have now seen the consequences.

She called out Trump for downplaying the coronavirus pandemic for too long and said when people look to Trump for leadership, “what we get instead is chaos, division, and a total and utter lack of empathy.”

Watch the full speech here.

The Reviews

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace and Fox host Dana Perino praised the former First Lady's speech. Wallace “she really flayed, sliced and diced Donald Trump." Perino lauded how authentic and direct Obama's message came across, and how effectively delivered.

MSNBC's panel gushed over the speech. “Michelle Obama does not talk like that,” Rachel Maddow noted. ”For her to have said that after saying, listen, whether or not you can hear me, I need to tell you something having seen the presidency up close. I mean my heart dropped about four inches in my chest.”

Fox & Friends even had a hard time finding too much to criticize about Obama's speech.

Social media lit up like crazy following the speech, of course. "Powerful", "flawless", "masterful" are just some of the adjectives in the overwhelmingly positive swarm of tweets.

President Trump, however, was less impressed, and lashed out in a Twitter tirade against the Obamas.

Also a big hit

The VOTE necklace worn by Michelle Obama was also a big hit. So much so that the designer was overwhelmed with orders ... and overcome with emotion about it.

More Speeches

DNC Chairman Tom Perez defended the party against criticisms from some Democrats about inviting to speak at the convention. "I think we're uniting America," he said.

One of those Republicans, John Kasich, spoke from an actual crossroads in his home state of Ohio, offering his praise of and commitment to vote for Joe Biden. 

In his at bat, Senator Bernie Sanders offered an unequivocal endorsement of Biden as well as encouraging all of his progressive followers and devotees to support the nominee at all costs. “My friends, I say to you, to everyone who supported other candidates in the primary and to those who may have voted for Donald Trump in the last election, the future of our democracy is at stake,” he warned.

George Floyd’s Brother Speaks

George Floyd’s brother Philonise Floyd spoke at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night to honor him and others with with a moment of silence.

“My brother George was selfless. He always made sacrifices for his family, friends and even complete strangers,” he said. “George had a giving spirit, a spirit that has shown up on streets around our nation and around the world.

Floyd called the nationwide protests sparked by his brother’s killing a “fitting legacy for our brother” and said that “George should be alive today.”

Watch the full speech here.

Daughter of Covid-19 Victim Speaks

Kristin Urquiza, whose father died of the coronavirus pandemic in June, pointedly condemned President Donald Trump and accused him of being responsible for his death during a powerful moment of the Democratic National Convention’s first night.

During a short segment, Urquiza directly addressed the screen and introduced herself as “one of the many who has lost a loved one to Covid.” Her father, Mark Anthony Urquiza, she explained, was a Trump voter who believed the president when he dismissed the virus as under control and “going to disappear.”

Watch the emotional remarks here.


Catch the live program for the second night, as well as all the clips and highlights, via our ongoing coverage.

Night two features speakers to include: Stacey Abrams, State Senator Raumesh Akbari, Mayor Robert Garcia, State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, former Secretary of State John Kerry, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, and closing remarks from Mrs. Jill Biden.



A DO OVER?President  Trump claimed on Tuesday that the 2020 presidential election may have to be redone if universal mail-in voting is introduced.

"It’ll end up being a rigged election or they will never come out with an outcome," he said. "They’ll have to do it again, and nobody wants that."


Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is still claiming that the seasonal flu is "deadlier” than the coronavirus, even after the United States crossed the grim milestone of 170,000 deaths.

'Oleaginous Cretin'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday shredded former Republican consultant Steve Schmidt for attacking his colleague, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), as someone who would have sympathized with Cuba’s Communist regime.

"To see him slandered by this oleaginous cretin is shameful," Cruz said in part.

Patriot Act Canceled

Hasan Minhaj’s Peabody Award-winning talk show Patriot Act has been canceled after six seasons on Netflix.

Stepping down

NBCUniversal Vice Chairman Ron Meyer is stepping down from the company after he disclosed that a woman was attempting to extort him after their extramarital affair.

Schlapp Attack

Mercedes Schlapp went all in to defend the Trump campaign claiming Biden is in a state of mental decline.

Fox's Sandra Smith asked Schlapp about a new Trump campaign ad designed to impugn Biden’s cognitive acuity. “It is an important question to make and it’s an uncomfortable conversation we need to have right now,” Schlapp said in the ad’s defense.

Who is Miles Taylor?

Former Trump administration official Miles Taylor — who endorsed 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Monday — warned President Donald Trump on Tuesday that more former officials like him would be coming out against him in the months leading up to the election. Who is he and what is his motivation?

That's just what ABC News spoke to him about.

Susan B. Anthony

The White House announced on Tuesday that President Donald Trump will pardon Susan B. Anthony, who was arrested for voting while female in 1872 and convicted by an all-male jury. 


Must See Clips

Doctor on CNN Destroys MyPillow CEO

Dr. Jake Deutsch, an emergency medicine physician, absolutely destroyed CEO and of My Pillow Mike Lindell immediately following his trainwreck interview with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.

It's important. Facts save lives.

Links We Like

Dear Biden Supporters: We Can Read, You Know
- Dan McLaughlin, via National Review
How Black women excluded from suffrage movement kept fighting for freedom
- Rep. Val Demings, via Good Morning America

The decoupling of the US and China has only just begun
- via Financial Times
Lovecraftian horror — and the racism at its core — explained
- Aja Romano, via Vox

Seven months later, what we know about Covid-19 — and the questions that remain
- via STAT News
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