| [eBook] Calculating the 9 Deadly Costs of Fraud - Download | | | | | | Data shows the recent holiday season will have the highest rate of fraud ever. CNP fraud losses are projected to increase by $3.2 billion over the next 4 years. And mobile commerce – 2X more likely to involve fraud – is growing at least 30% a year. In the face of these trends, can you afford to do nothing to upgrade your fraud prevention process? | | Before you do anything rash, Kount recommends you first get the facts so you clearly know where you DO and DON'T need help. That's where our eBook "Calculating the 9 Deadly Costs of Fraud" comes in. It reveals the 9 visible and hidden fraud costs that are killing your bottom line. Download the "Calculating the 9 Deadly Costs of Fraud" eBook now and discover: | | What are your largest fraud costs? (#3 and #4 may surprise you) Why are some brick-and-mortars more at risk than eCommerce merchants? Which 2 things should you change to generate the most impact? Why all Fraud Calculators are NOT Created Equal | | Kount, Inc. | 917 Lusk Street, Suite 300 | Boise, ID 83706, USA | |
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