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Fourth of July fireworks don't mix well with pets. Every year, hundreds of pets go missing on this holiday, but here's one story with a happy ending.
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This guinea pig gets a little possessive over her fresh fruits and veggies!
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If you are a woman in need of a job, send in a photo of yourself in a low neckline and you’ll be 19 times more likely to nab an interview. At least...
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On August 25, 2016, the U.S. National Park Service will turn 100 years old. Over the last century, the National Park Service has highlighted sites that...
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Save This Cat Librarian From Being Removed From His Home!
signatures: 48002
created by: Julie Mastrine
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On the verge of a major party nominating a woman for president for the first time, "identity politics" are dominating the national dialogue. Regardless of...
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While it might look pretty, red snow is a cause for concern, scientists say. The phenomenon, sometimes called watermelon snow or blood snow, is...
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A seven-year study has found that while the malaria vaccine does work, its effectiveness declines over time in children.
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This week, U.S. Customs and Border Control proposed a slight change to the usual screening process for visitors applying for a visa at the border....
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Reports have emerged from the Nigerian Army that a large-scale rescue operation in Borno succeeded in freeing 5,000 former Boko Haram hostages.
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