DOLL Living Lab newsletter, April 2018

DOLL nominated as the best living lab in Europe

DOLL is nominated as the best Living Lab in Europe, and you can help us by voting right here until the 29th of April.

For the past four years DOLL has experienced great national and international attention from both private companies and public decision makers. This is due to the unique platform that allows manufactures at all levels to demonstrate and develop solutions for a smarter and more sustainable urban space. We are exited to tell you, that DOLL is nominated as “The best Living Lab in Europe” together with a wide array of living labs from all over Europe. The award is founded by ENOLL (The European Network of Living Labs).
The partners in DOLL are and will always be the backbone in the living lab and the reason for its success - and we are thrilled to be able to celebrate another milestone in that regard. More than 50 partners are now part of DOLL Living Lab focusing on intelligent outdoor lighting and Smart City-technologies.

We look forward to the journey ahead of us. You can, among a lot of exiting things, look forward to the launch of our new DOLL Living Lab website, which will be online within the next couple of weeks. Next year you will also find autonomous busses travelling the streets of the living lab.

Don’t forget to cast your vote for your living lab of choice, and feel free to share with your network. Consult the following link for a full description of all nominees.

You can find the direct link to the voting right here.

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