Dear Friend, As a church leader, being able to speak freely and proclaim the Gospel matters. Having the freedom to share your faith not only in your church but also in the public square is vital to your calling and your ministry. But your God-given right to freedom of speech is facing increased threats today. Some government officials would prefer it if your right to express yourself and your beliefs was curtailed. Outside of the government, there’s a dangerous, growing trend in the culture centered on “canceling” people who hold unpopular views. All of this ultimately harms both the spread of the Gospel and the ability of some to live out their faith. So, it’s important for church leaders to understand their legal rights when it comes to freedom of speech. To help you and your church navigate this issue, the legal team at Alliance Defending Freedom created a helpful resource just for church leaders. Click here to access the resource and watch the video below to learn more about the right to freedom of speech. |