How Duke Learning Innovation is Supporting the University's Response to COVID-19 Our April newsletter finds us under a statewide stay-at-home order. The COVID-19 pandemic forced Duke, like so many other institutions, to suspend classes on campus and move to remote instruction. Duke faculty are now connecting with students using technologies like Zoom and Sakai, while they themselves are adjusting to the isolation of social distancing, the loss of childcare and school for kids, and concerns about health and financial well being. Learning Innovation has been working hard to respond to the crisis. Over 1,200 faculty have attended a virtual workshop or meeting with our staff in just the past two weeks. On one day last month we received more emailed questions than we get in a typical month. But we are responding to each and every one of them. We are also providing timely resources and information to faculty via the Keep Teaching website and newsletter. (If you have not received the Keep Teaching newsletter and want to sign up, you can do so here. Note that a Duke NetID is needed to subscribe.) We’re collaborating with colleagues across the university – in the Provost’s office, school leadership, OIT, undergraduate education, student affairs – to support our teaching and learning community and ensure Duke’s academic continuity. To our subscribers beyond Duke, our colleagues from other institutions, and former Duke colleagues who keep up with us: you are not alone in your efforts to help faculty keep teaching and help students keep learning during this difficult time. Learning Innovation has had the unique experience of helping two institutions move to remote teaching and learning: in February we collaborated with the DKU Center for Teaching and Learning to help Duke Kunshan move to remote teaching. Ithaka S+R documented that experience in a new case study. We recently shared some thoughts on remote learning pivots that we hope will help others as they continue this work. We wish you well. Please write to us at if we can be of assistance. The Duke Learning Innovation team |