EBF MORNING BRIEF               Monday 12 September 2022

Good morning. Here are the top news stories and events in European banking, financial regulation and EU policy, brought to you by the European Banking Federation. 

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Bloomberg: ECB ramps up scrutiny of banks’ readiness for gas crisis

The European Central Bank (ECB) is intensifying discussions with banks over their readiness for a potential surge in company defaults and a drying-up of energy-market liquidity, amid the worsening stand-off over Russian gas supplies. Banks must show that they can conduct stress tests and that they’re updating economic assumptions, Bloomberg says. Read more

Reuters: Govts not the ECB should help ease energy market stress

Governments not central banks should help energy firms under stress and prudential requirements should not be eased at clearinghouses and derivative counterparties, European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde said. As reported by Reuters, Lagarde added that the ECB is ready to provide liquidity to banks as part of its normal central banking operations but utility firms are outside its remit. Read more

Euronews: Women make gains in leadership of private German banks

Women made up 35.2% of leadership positions at private banks in Germany in 2021, figures from the bank employment lobby AGV Banken showed. According to Euronews, that is up from less than 10% at the start of the 1990s, and 34.8% in 2020. Recognizing that more needs to be done to promote gender balance, German banks say they are taking steps to adjust equality even as staff cuts and major overhauls complicate matters. Read more


For a full-year overview of key financial regulation events: click here


FBF: Latest figures on personal loans

At the end of July 2022, loans to individuals reached 1,487 billion euros, up 5.9% over one year. This dynamic of home loans is stronger in France than in the eurozone where it stood at 5.3% in July, according to data by the French Banking Federation (FBF). Read more

NVB: happy that DNB recognizes money laundering bottlenecks

As gatekeepers of the financial system, banks have an important role in preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. Banks have been pointing out bottlenecks in service provision for some time. The Dutch Banking Association (NVB) is therefore pleased that De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) now also recognize these bottlenecks and wants to do something about them, as well as to increase the effectiveness of combating money laundering, which is an important public-private task. Read more (NL)

BdB: Raw material security and its financing

In the new episode of the "Banking Secrecy" podcast, the Association of German Banks (BdB) spoke to Hauke ​​Burkhardt, who is responsible for trade and corporate finance in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland at Deutsche Bank to discuss raw material security and its financing. Read more (DE)


EBA: EBA issues revised list of validation rules

The European Banking Authority (EBA) issued a revised list of validation rules for its reporting standards, highlighting those which have been deactivated either for incorrectness or for triggering IT problems. Read more

ECB: The effect of negative interest rates on bank cost efficiency

Do negative interest rates affect banks’ cost efficiency? In a new paper published by the European Central Bank (ECB), researchers found that banks most affected by negative interest rates responded by enhancing their cost efficiency. Improvements are more pronounced for banks that are larger, less profitable, with lower asset quality, and that operate in more competitive banking sectors. Read more

BIS: Trust, digitalization, and banking

Pablo Hernández de Cos, Chair of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and Governor of the Bank of Spain, says that advances in financial technology that seek to enhance service efficiency, inclusiveness, and quality are welcome but they can’t replace human judgment in banking and supervision. Read more

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The European Banking Federation is the voice of the European banking sector, bringing together national banking associations from across Europe. The federation is committed to a thriving European economy that is underpinned by a stable, secure and inclusive financial ecosystem, and to a flourishing society where financing is available to fund the dreams of citizens, businesses and innovators everywhere. Website: www.ebf.eu

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European Banking Federation

Avenue des Arts 56, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium