Happy New Year from Poetry Daily Many thanks indeed to all our readers, whose passion for poetry inspires us, and to all our generous donors, without whose support we could not continue. We look forward to sharing the very best contemporary poetry with you in 2022. |
Victoria Chang: What is Autobiography? "If you look at the book, the internal organs, bones, diseases, are all apparent there for the reader. The title itself changed numerous times because the book itself was changing and morphing. It’s as if I were an archaeologist and thought I had found bones to a stegosaurus, but with each new bone I found, the animal changed, so that what ended up was a turtle." via WORLD LITERATURE TODAY |
What Sparks Poetry: David Herd on Emily Dickinson's [I Dwell in Possibility —] "The poem’s possibilities are many. You feel them at every turn; in every space held open by her signature dash. The windows are numerous in this house because the poem’s meanings shift, each word opened to the range of its definitions. When she occupies in the final stanza–when she states her 'occupation'– we see her in her self-appointed role as maker of poems." |