Question of the Week Have you ever quoted a song lyric or poem in a legal submission? Bob Dylan is the most-cited songwriter in U.S. judicial opinions, law prof Philip N. Meyer writes in the April issue of the ABA Journal. "And these citations are not merely add-ons or throwaways providing appellate judges and Supreme Court justices with the opportunity to display stylistic flair or pop culture literacy," Meyer writes. "Indeed, just the opposite: Dylan's lyrics are intrinsic to the judicial reasoning in appellate opinions." This week, we'd like to ask you: Have you ever quoted a song lyric or poem in a legal submission? Or quoted sources beyond the law? If so, why did you? If you'd never make a popular culture reference in a legal brief, tell us why not. Reply in the comments. Read commenters' answers to last week's question: What's the telecommuting policy for your workplace? Featured answer: Posted by Buckeye: "All attorneys are permitted to work from home. Since all have laptops and home internet, we do not pay for internet but do pay for printers, fax, scanners and upgrades to laptops as needed. We cut our office expense by two-thirds by moving into smaller space out of the city center. Most support staff are also permitted to work at home, but on a limited basis and are to insure office is staffed. Productivity and billing have increased as a result." |