5 companies pledge ethical recruitment throughout supply chain | CVS Health courts older employees to serve aging boomers | Employers seek good writers, communicators
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August 14, 2017
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5 companies pledge ethical recruitment throughout supply chain
5 companies pledge ethical recruitment throughout supply chain
(Carl Court/Getty Images)
Ford, General Motors, Marriott, Hormel and Michael Kors have pledged to use ethical recruitment policies throughout their global supply chains aimed at ending human rights and labor rights violations. The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a coalition of faith and values investors, reached an agreement with the five companies resulting from its shareholder campaign for them to institute "no-fees" recruitment policies.
TriplePundit (8/11) 
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10 Common Myths About Labor Law Posting Regulations
Labor Law posting compliance is complicated. This free e-guide highlights common mistakes and misunderstandings so you'll know what it takes to be in compliance. In addition to posting basics, you'll learn more about the new and/or specific posting requirements that may apply to your business. Download now.
Recruiting & Retention
CVS Health courts older employees to serve aging boomers
CVS Health aims to attract more employees over 50 through its Talent Is Ageless initiative, which seeks to recruit older team members and provide flexible scheduling options like telecommuting and job sharing. "[A]s we see the baby boomer generation age, having colleagues across the company who can personally relate to these customers and patients is a differentiator for us," said CVS Chief Diversity Officer David Casey.
Drug Store News (8/10) 
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5 Security Tips for Working on Your Personal Device
Finance moves fast, and the ability to work from anywhere on your smartphone or laptop could be a game-changer. But can your personal devices ever be secure enough to manage your clients' sensitive financial data? Surprisingly, this informative whitepaper shows that, with the right preparation, using your personal device can actually help you keep your organization more secure. Read More
Leadership & Development
The Greatness Gap
Achievers surveyed North American employees about their level of connection with core engagement factors, such as their company's mission, their perceptions and experience of recognition at work, and their workplace culture. The data shows us that there are a few things missing. Read the results
Benefits & Compensation
Study: Uncertainty over ACA pushes premium-increase requests higher
A Kaiser Family Foundation study found that uncertainty surrounding the Affordable Care Act is leading insurers to pursue double-digit premium increases. Insurance companies are unsure about the ACA's future because of the Trump administration's actions and threats to take steps such as ending cost-sharing subsidies, according to the study.
Bloomberg (8/10),  The Associated Press (8/10) 
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The HR Leader
Companies look for sweet spot in employee vacation dilemma
Some companies offer unlimited vacation to get employees to take time off, but Travis CI CEO Mathias Meyer said he is abandoning the policy because workers hesitated to take days off for fear they would take too many. A solution could be having recurring, scheduled mandatory vacation for employees, which was tested at SimpliFlying and found to increase productivity, happiness and creativity.
Harvard Business Review online (tiered subscription model) (8/11) 
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There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.
G.K. Chesterton,
writer and critic
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