Submerging her shoulders in near-freezing water, the swimmer’s ‘Oo-oo-oohs’ and ‘Aa-a-a-ahs’ sing-songed through the crisp, winter air. The ancient practice of swimming in open water surged during the Covid pandemic in the UK—I shiver just thinking about it! But the words of another rosy-cheeked wild swimmer captured my imagination: “We’re outside, connecting with nature. Once you’re in there, you can sigh so, so deeply. We always look for the kingfisher . . . It’s lovely.”
Connecting with nature, suggests the Psalmist, heightens our awareness of God. Creation declares the truth and beauty of its Creator (Psalm 19:1). Day and night, the skies display God’s glorious majesty: “their voice goes out into all the earth” (vv. 2–4). And just as the radiant light of the sun touches all, no one is hidden from God’s loving care—a care displayed throughout His created world (vv. 4–6).
Wherever we are, we can all connect with God through nature—even by gazing out of the window at the sky, opening our hearts to His revelations. Listening to birdsong stills our racing thoughts, inviting His restoration. Appreciating God’s sunset brushstrokes on our homeward commute reassures us of His presence. Seasonal changes prompt thoughts of what God is nurturing within us. A daisy prising its way through tarmac promises that we can fulfil our God-given potential, despite apparent obstacles.
Endless gifts in creation are ours to receive from God today. Amazing!
By Anne Le Tissier
In what ways has God used nature to convey His love, presence or inspiration to you in the past? Why not pause, take a deep breath and enjoy meeting with God in His creation today?
Creator God, thank You for the gift of this world to help me to know You better.
Psalm 19 celebrates God’s revealing of Himself to humanity through creation (vv. 1–6; often referred to as general revelation), and through Scripture (vv. 7–11; often referred to as special revelation). Interestingly, verses 1–6 use the general title for God (El), while in verses 7–14 the speaker chooses the personal title for God in the Old Testament of YHWH (“the Lord”).
Although creation powerfully and wordlessly reveals God’s care and power over all creation (vv. 2, 3, 6), this psalm paints a picture of how through Scripture God reveals Himself more intimately, in a way that transforms our lives (vv. 7–11). And, knowing our weaknesses, the psalmist confesses that this growth in intimacy with God is only possible through grace (vv. 12–14). God reveals Himself, not only through creation and Scripture, but through powerfully redeeming His people ( v. 14).
Monica La Rose
Our mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.