In this issue, October 4, 2016 View it in your browser.

Engineering Culture Podcast, Open API, RXJava, .Net Core, TypeScript 2.0,, WebSockets, Reactive APIs and Microservices, Twitter Heron, Kubernetes 1.4

QCon London 2017 tracks announced!

18 editorial tracks across 3 days at QCon London. Performance Mythbusting, Tech Debt, Modern Cloud Architectures, Containers, Data Engineering, JavaScript, Ad Serving and Finance, Low Latency Java are some of topics of this year's conference. Save your seat and can save up to £520 before Oct 29th!



[Inforgraphic] Container Monitoring 101.
Containers have become a key enabler towards digital transformation for enterprises. However, increased adoption raises concerns about monitoring containers at a greater scale. Learn more.

Engineering Culture Podcast: Github's Phil Haack on Moving from Engineering to Management

In this podcast, Wes Reisz, chair of the QCon conferences in San Francisco, London and New York, talks to Phil Haack, an Engineering Director at GitHub focused on software pushed mostly to the desktop. He's shipping software like GitHub Desktop, GitHub Extensions for Visual Studio and the Atom text editor. Haack joined GitHub in 2011 and is a prominent member of the .Net community. (Podcast)

Minibook: Conversation Patterns for Software Professionals

This book includes a set of cut-and-dried techniques for improving your cooperation with the business. The main goal of this publication is to give you two key skills: discovering the business needs and managing the conversation in a way that will enable you to collect precise and useful information. (Minibook)

Data Science Latest Content


Traffic Data Monitoring Using IoT, Kafka and Spark Streaming

Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging disruptive technology and becoming an increasing topic of interest. One of the areas of IoT application is the connected vehicles. In this article we'll use Apache Spark and Kafka technologies to analyse and process IoT connected vehicle's data and send the processed data to real time traffic monitoring dashboard. (Article)

Building an AI in the Cloud

Simon Chan shares the on-going challenges ML SaaS platforms face when developers try to build customized large-scale predictive applications on production environments. He talks about the ML platform product design dilemma, the difference between building A.I. in a lab and on production, and the steps to build an end-to-end Machine Learning solution, from data sourcing to live monitoring etc. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!



Getting Started with ScyllaDB, drop-in replacement for Cassandra.

DevOps Latest Content


When Feature Flags Go Wrong

Feature flags can superpower development, allowing faster features. But they can also be the worst kind of technical debt if misused or mismanaged. This article walks us through some horror stories of feature flags gone bad, and lessons learned. (Article)

An Enterprise Journey to DevOps at Manulife

The panelists discuss how Manulife is transforming the way it builds software and how this transformation looks like from the point of view of developers, operators and the business. (Presentation)

Pragmatic Steps to DevOps: EMC Dojo One Year Later

Brian Roche describes how EMC adopted new work patterns to continuously innovate and deliver on their CNA Platform. He walks through their adoption of a Devops culture and the innovative OS projects contributed as a Cloud Foundry dojo (@emcdojo). (Presentation)



Use Site24x7 APM Insight and get to the root cause of your application performance degradation. Drill into each layer of your application right down to individual SQL queries. Get started with your 30-day free trail. Sign Up now!

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Ways to Make Code Reviews More Effective

Performing Code Reviews helps to increase code quality, share knowledge and responsibility, and build better software and a better team. However, the big question remains – what is it we should be looking for? There are a lot of different things to consider. This article will list a wide range of items to check, and drill a little deeper into two specific areas: performance and security. (Article)

Creating a Kaizen Culture for the Food Bank of New York City

Margarette Purvis shares Food Bank’s kaizen journey of rethinking and improving operations by implementing small incremental improvements across the organization. (Presentation)

High Performance Leadership and a Great Culture - Can You Have It All?

Helena Moore discusses how an organization can achieve the balance between high performance leadership and a great culture/family feel in the context of the changes in how people and businesses work. (Presentation)

Java Latest Content


RXJava by Example

In the ongoing evolution of paradigms for simplifying concurrency under load, the most promising addition is reactive programming, a specification that provides tools for handling asynchronous streams of data and for managing flow-control, making it easier to reason about overall program design. In this article we overcome the learning curve with a gentle progression of examples. (Article)

Unwinding Platform Complexity with Concourse

Matt Curry and Alan Moran talk about how they started with a very small and simple Concourse pipeline and evolved it into a platform automation powerhouse that delivers the entirety of their developer platform ecosystem. They discuss challenges they encountered through the journey as well as advanced capabilities that their platform team has been able to deliver as they have used Concourse. (Presentation)

Keep Calm and CF Push on Azure

Gil Isaacs talks about Microsoft’s open source PaaS strategy and shows an example of how we can deploy Java micro-services to (Pivotal) Cloud Foundry on Azure using a Cloud Foundry Service Broker to leverage higher level Azure services. (Presentation)

When Java Shops Grow Up They Become Web Companies

James Governor looks to bring the threads together about the Java renaissance and associated cultural change. (Presentation)

The Power of Partnership & Building a Cloud Native Tier-1 Platform in Parallel to the Existing Platform and Performing a Reverse Integration Deployment Strategy

The Pivotal Team demonstrated the power of partnership during their engagement with the Comcast SPARROW Activation Team. Working with the SPARROW Team the Pivotal Teams provided input on product strategy, architecture principles and design approaches. They anticipate more than a 50% reduction in infrastructure systems. (Presentation)

Unik: Unikernel Backend to Cloud Foundry

Idit Levine introduces Unik, an orchestration system for unikernels. Unik handles the compilation of libraries and applications for running on AWS, manages their scheduling, and ensures their health. Unik is integrated as a backend to Cloud Foundry runtime. In this talk, Idit covers: an overview of Unikernel, UniK and the integration with Cloud Foundry followed by a demo. (Presentation)



Build Your Skills at AppSphere 2016 (Nov 14-17, Las Vegas) - Learn best practices and tools required to accelerate adoption of cloud, microservices, and DevOps. Network with 2,000+ attendees. Register Now.

Development Latest Content


Q&A: Relevant Search with Elasticsearch and Solr

In their book "Relevant Search", Doug Turnbull and John Berryman focus on the challenge of providing search results by balancing the needs and intents of the user. Using Elasticsearch and Solr, relevance engineers can constantly tune the needs of the business vs. the needs of the user. (Article)

An Open API Initiative Update

The Open API Initiative group is evolving what has become the de-facto standard API Description Format to produce a consistent and compatible format for describing APIs, allowing interoperation between tooling, systems, and runtime environments. Tony Tam, creator of the popular Swagger Specification, provides an update on the group activity. (Article)

Algorithms for Animation

Courtney Hemphill walks through the basic principles of animation design and the simple formulas that can be used to create robust animations, starting with an introduction into interpolation functions and how they can be crafted to represent natural movement, showing how this translates into software applications and then dives briefly into physics engines. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Mobile Latest Content


Onion Creates a $5 Linux Computer with Wi-Fi, Designed for IoT Applications has produced a $5 tiny Linux computer that's designed for Internet of Things applications. Onion calls the Omega2 the "World's smallest Linux server, with Wi-Fi built-in." The device has a 580 MHz CPU, 64MB of RAM, 16MB of flash storage, an integrated IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, and supports programming in widely used languages like C, Python, Javascript, PHP, and Node.JS. (News)

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Adding ES6 to Your Developer Toolbox

Jeff Strauss presents some of the most interesting features available in ES6, providing developers with reasons why they should start using it today. (Presentation)

.NET Latest Content


On Abstractions and For-Each Performance in C#

Donald Knuth famously said, “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time”. But when faced with the other 3%, it is good to know what’s going on behind the scenes. So in this article we’ll be taking a dive into the foreach loop. (Article)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

WebSockets, Reactive APIs and Microservices

Todd Montgomery investigates whether WebSockets, HTTP/2, Reactive Streams and microservices can deliver the high scalability, resiliency, and ease of development promised. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

The Human Side of Microservices

John Billings talks about winning over those skeptical about the benefits of microservices along with tips on caching, failure, interface changes, etc. for building a distributed system architecture. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!