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Find out more about the first Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme participant as well as Pix - an instant payment scheme in Brazil, the newly published poll on proximity technology and vacant seats in the Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG).
We trust you will enjoy reading the latest publications from the EPC.

Poll on our website

In your opinion, which proximity technology will see the largest adoption for instant payments at the physical point of interaction in the coming 5 years?

Participate here


The membership lists of the SEU MSG and the Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG) as well as the agenda and minutes of their respective March 2022 meetings can be found on our website. There are still vacant seats in the SEU MSG:

Read more here

Insight The SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme: the first participant shares their experiences and views

Check out our new interview to know more about the SRTP scheme and learn more about its first participant’s experience so far.

Read this article

Sami Karhunen

CEO, Co-Founder Pine & Cone Oy

Insight Pix: the rapid development of instant payments in Brazil

Two years ago, the Brazilian Central Bank decided to launch Pix, an instant payment scheme that the Bank developed, manages, operates, and owns. Since its launch, Pix has seen remarkable growth. We wanted to know more and interviewed Carlos Eduardo Brandt and Breno Lobo from the Brazilian Central Bank.

Read this article

Carlos Eduardo Brandt, Breno Lobo

Brazilian Central Bank

Technical documents The multi-stakeholder group on Mobile Initiated (instant) Credit Transfers (MSG MSCT): 29th Plenary meeting Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG) and the Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG): minutes and agendas, membership lists

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