If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. May 2023
We are delighted to issue our May’s Rep(l)ay: find out more about the One-Leg Out Instant Credit Transfer (OCT Inst), a new EPC scheme dedicated to international instant credit transfers in our Insights article. Also, we published an interview with Lorenzo Gaston, the Technical Director of the Smart Payment Association on the position paper Security of card payment systems in a post-quantum world.
And that’s not all, find out more in our May’s Rep(l)ay issue!


Insight A pathway to improve the security of card payment systems

What are the predictions about card payment systems in a post-quantum world? You can find the answer to this and other questions in our newest interview:

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Lorenzo Gaston

Technical Director of the Smart Payment Association

Insight One-Leg Out Instant Credit Transfer scheme – enabling faster payments between SEPA and the rest of the globe

What is the difference between the OCT Inst scheme and the other EPC payment schemes? You can find an answer to this and other questions in our article on our website:

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News Latest publications related to the SRTP scheme

Today we published the new versions of the SEPA Request-to-Pay scheme rulebook as well as the rulebook related clarification paper:

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