If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. May 2020
We are glad to announce excellent results: the estimated share of SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) volumes in total SEPA Credit Transfer volumes increased to 5.92% in Q1 2020 and we published a new graph showing this evolution on our homepage.
Also, we launched a public consultation on “Technical Interoperability of Mobile Initiated SEPA (Instant) Credit Transfers (MSCTs) based on payer-presented data” and the new version of the document “Technical interoperability of MSCTs based on payee-presented data”.
We trust you will enjoy reading the latest publications from the EPC!

Highlight How to become a SEPA scheme participant

Are you wondering how to adhere to the SEPA schemes? We prepared a handy visual that will guide you through the adherence process:

Insight May 20, 2020 SCT Inst scheme gaining further traction in Europe

November 2017 marked a major event in an increasingly instant world: the launch of the SCT Inst scheme. Where we are two and a half years on? Be part of and contribute to this ‘success story’ by adhering to the SCT Inst scheme if your institution has not joined yet. Check our newest article:

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Countries where PSPs are already offering SCT Inst services

News May 28, 2020 Public consultation on Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data

Today we have launched the public consultation on the document Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data. This document describes new illustrative MSCT use cases for the Customer-to-Business (C2B) payment context based on consumer-presented data and analyses the technical interoperability requirements for these use cases.

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News May 28, 2020 Technical interoperability of MSCTs based on payee-presented data

We have published the new version of the document Technical interoperability of MSCTs based on payee-presented data. This new document focuses on the functional requirements to be supported by MSCT service providers to enable interoperability of MSCTs across SEPA. It also specifies the minimum data set to be exchanged between payee and payer to enable the initiation of an MSCT. This new version incorporates as appropriate the outcome of the public consultation on a previous draft.

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Technical documents The ad-hoc multi-stakeholder group (MSG) on Mobile Initiated SEPA Credit Transfers, including instant transfers (MSG MSCT): Agenda and Minutes of the 10th MSG MSCT Plenary meeting, Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on payee-presented data, Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data, Feedback Questionnaire Technical Interoperability of MSCTs based on payer-presented data. Updated SCT, SCT Inst, SDD B2B, SDD Core schemes adherences packs May 12, 2020 The EPC Scheme End-User Forum (SEUF): Membership list of the EPC Scheme End-User Forum for the period 2019-2021 May 11, 2020 List of National Adherence Support Organisations May 5, 2020

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