If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. November 2020
This month was very special for us! To begin with, we celebrated the third anniversary of the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme! Three years on, over 57% of European payment service providers (PSPs) (and 67.5% of PSPs in the euro area) including those with the most significant electronic payment volumes in their countries, have joined the SCT Inst scheme. Moreover, this month we welcomed the first SCT Inst scheme participants from Slovenia (which became the 23rd country on the SCT Inst map).
Secondly, we have just published the first version of the SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme rulebook! The SRTP scheme covers the set of operating rules and technical elements that allow a Payee to request the initiation of a payment from a Payer in a wide range of physical or online use cases.
And this is not all, find out more in our newest Rep(l)ay issue!
Insight The Nordic Payments Council is creating the new Nordic payment schemes

The Nordic Payments Council (NPC) developed the first Nordic payment schemes, based on and close to the EPC SEPA payment schemes. Find out more about it in our new interview.

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Jenny Winther

Secretary General of the Nordic Payments Council

Insight Country profile: cashless Iceland

Learn about payment habits in Iceland in this interview on our website, which includes an infographic.

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Sveinbjorn Snorri Gretarsson

Executive director of payments at Islandsbanki

News The EPC publishes the first SRTP scheme rulebook

Find out more about the newly published first version of the SRTP scheme rulebook.

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Publication of the 2021 EPC SEPA payment scheme rulebooks

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Results of the EPC poll on future share of SCT Inst volumes

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Brexit reminder: how to get ready for the end of the transition period

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INFOGRAPHIC Updated infographic: How the SRTP scheme works?

Infographic The Icelandic payment landscape

Technical documents 2021 EPC SEPA payment scheme rulebooks version 1.0 The ad-hoc multi-stakeholder group (MSG) on Mobile Initiated (instant) SEPA Credit Transfers (MSG MSCT): Agenda and Minutes of the 14th and 15th MSG MSCT Plenary meeting

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