If you have trouble reading this e-mail or wish to go directly to the web version, click here. OCTOBER 2021
We are delighted to issue our October’s Rep(l)ay and we are glad to announce excellent results: the estimated share of SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) volumes in total SEPA Credit Transfer volumes increased to 10.35% in the third quarter of this year.
Also, we have published two interesting Insights interviews about the latest updates on Switzerland's payment landscape and developments and on the Batopin ATM initiative in Belgium.
Furthermore, we launched the Call for participants in the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) scheme’s interest group and the Call for candidates for the Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG) and for the Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG).
And this is not all, discover more in our newest Rep(l)ay issue!

Insight Digitalisation trends in the Swiss payment landscape

Discover more about the main features of the payment landscape in Switzerland and of its evolution in our new interview with Dieter Goerdten, Head of Products & Services at SIX BBS Ltd. and Michael Montoya, CEO of SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd.

Read this article

Dieter Goerdten and Michael Montoya

SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd.

Insight Smarter access to cash in Belgium

We had the pleasure to interview Kris De Ryck, CEO of Batopin about the Batopin ATM initiative in Belgium and what were the key drivers for such a decision.

Read this article

Kris De Ryck

CEO of Batopin

News Call for participants in the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) scheme’s interest group

EPC has launched a Call for participants in the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) scheme’s interest group, with a deadline of 19 November.

Read this article

News Call for candidates for the Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG) and for the Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG)

We issued a Call for candidates for the Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG) and for the Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG) which ended on 29 October. If some seats remain available it will be possible for interested eligible parties to apply afterwards.

Read this article

Infographic SCT Inst today (October 2021)

Technical documents
Minutes of the ‘kick-off’ meeting of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
Agenda of the 2nd meeting of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi-Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
Agenda of the ’kick-off’ meeting of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
Terms of reference of the SEPA Payment Account Access Multi Stakeholder Group (SPAA MSG)
SPAA MSG Membership List
Terms of Reference Scheme End-User Multi-Stakeholder Group (SEU MSG)
Terms of Reference Scheme Technical Player Multi-Stakeholder Group (STP MSG)

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