6. März 2024: Aussenpolitische AULA: Die EU gibt den Takt an, die Schweiz folgt hintenan Auf leisen Sohlen, aber mit grossem Abdruck» hat europäisches Recht in der Schweiz Fuss gefasst. Der Europarechtsexperte Matthias Oesch referiert darüber, wie der Gerichtshof der EU (EuGH) über seine Urteile den Alltag in der Schweiz stärker prägt als wir uns eingestehen. Was bedeutet es, wenn er bei einem Abkommen mit der EU bei der Streitbeilegung eine neue Rolle spielen würde? Auf das Referat folgt eine Diskussion mit Nationalrätin Sibel Arslan (Grüne) und Nationalrat Simon Michel (FDP). Mittwoch, 6. März 2024, 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm, Aula der Universität Bern | Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern |
12th March 2024: Geneva Graduate Institute: BRICS - The World upside down (Film Screening and Panel Discussion) The death knell of Western dominance has tolled. With three-quarters of humanity outside the Western world, we find ourselves in a tense interregnum. The old international order is crumbling, and a new order is emerging with as yet unclear contours. The rise of the Global South and the expansion of the BRICS are challenges to a system of Western norms and values undermined by its own contradictions. Democratic advocates of this swing see in it the promise of more inclusive global governance. But in an unpredictable geopolitical environment, this transformation is also high-risk. This redrawing of the world is taking place in an increasingly merciless confrontation between the great powers. Could it lead to a weakening of liberal values, in particular fundamental human rights? Tuesday, 12th February 2024, 6:30 pm - 9 pm, Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Maison de la paix, Geneva |
13th March 2024: UNECE RFSD: Cross Sector Intelligence and Foresight to accelerate the SDGS The UNECE 2023 assessment of the region's progress on the Agenda 2030 paints a worrisome picture: there is not a single Sustainable Development Goal on track. The heightened conditions of polycrisis beg the need for creative solutions. 2024 will be a year where the stark questions on the future will come into focus at the Summit of the Future and in the run-up to it. International Geneva has a special role to play in this context. During this side event to the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, leading experts will present a blueprint for the Geneva track of the UN Futures Lab, showcase new models and scalable platforms to harness cross-sector collective intelligence and propel the SDGs’ progress, and highlight the potential for cross-sectoral intelligence and strategic foresight as International Geneva’s contribution to the upcoming Summit of the Future. Wednesday, 13th March 2024, 1:15 pm - 14:45 pm, Campus Biotech - Auditorium H8 | 9 Chemin des Mines, Geneva or Online |
14th March 2024: Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe: Quelques leçons de l'Empire des Habsbourg pour l'Europe aujourd'hui Journaliste néerlandaise de renom, Caroline de Gruyter a été correspondante dans de nombreuses capitales (dont Genève, Vienne, Bruxelles). Membre des think tanks Carnegie Europe et European Council on Foreign Relations, elle vit et travaille aujourd’hui à Bruxelles. Son ouvrage « Monde d’hier, monde de demain : Un voyage à travers l’empire des Habsbourg et l’Union européenne » (traduction française du néerlandais, Actes Sud, 2023) lui a valu le Prix du livre Mieux comprendre l’Europe 2023. Jeudi, 14 Mars 2024, 6 pm - 7:30 pm (Online) |
14th March 2024: Viktor Yushchenko - «Global Security Architecture: Ukraine and Europe in the face of war» Policy Flash Former President Viktor Yushchenko will discuss Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine and the threats the war poses to global stability and economic growth. He will reflect on what mistakes led to the war and how Ukrainians are fighting to stay resilient and victorious. In particular, Yushchenko will consider the role of European business in rebuilding and modernizing Ukraine‘s economy. Thursday, 14th March 2024, University of Zürich: Rämistrasse 71 - Room KOL-G-201, 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm |
8. April 2024: Oxford Debate Live: Will Asia's rise lead to a new world order? There is little to dispute about Asia's rise as a key feature of our time. While in the past this development has been driven heavily by China, the years ahead will see countries like India, Indonesia and Vietnam expand their international clout. As the balance of power shifts eastwards, will the world order inevitably change? Important Information: The event costs 15 CHF for foraus members. Monday, 9. April 2024, 6.30 pm - 8 pm, Kraftwerk | Selnaustrasse 25, 8001 Zürich |
SAVE THE DATE 27. April 2024: Tag der Aussenpolitik: Tag der Aussenpolitik 2024: Europa wählt seine Zukunft und 75 Jahre Genfer Konvention, die humanitäre Krise in der Welt, die Rolle der Schweiz Unter anderen mit: Mirjana Spoljaric Egger / Präsidentin IKRK - 75 Jahre Genfer Konventionen und die humanitäre Krise der Welt Und Jean Asselborn / ehemaliger Aussenminister Luxemburg - Europa wählt seine Zukunft. Detaillierte Informationen folgen demnächst. Samstag, 27. April 2024, 10.30 am - 4 pm, Eventfabrik | Fabrikstrasse 12, 3012 Bern |