Nr. 465 | 05.11.2024

Kurz und kräftig. Die wöchentliche Dosis Aussenpolitik von foraus, der SGA und Caritas. Heute steht die erneute Untersuchung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs zu Verbrechen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo im Fokus. Angesichts des anhalten Konflikts und der historischen Straflosigkeit ist es wichtig, Gewaltzyklen zu durchbrechen und dauerhafte Stabilität zu fördern. 

Renewed ICC investigation targets ongoing atrocities and historic impunity in DRC 

On 14 October, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan announced a reopening of the investigation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), focusing on crimes committed in the North Kivu province since January 2022. This decision follows a request from the DRC government, alarmed by the escalating violence by armed groups in the eastern regions. The International Criminal Court (ICC) first opened an investigation in the DRC in 2004, but conflict and violence have continued.

The DRC has faced enduring political and economic crises, marked by two major conflicts between 1996 and 2003. Although these wars officially ended, peace remains elusive in the eastern provinces, where instability is fueled by ineffective governance, unresolved post-colonial state-building challenges, and ongoing disputes over land and natural resources. Deep-seated ethnic divisions, rooted in the colonial era, have also driven nearly five decades of unrest. In response, the ICC has renewed its investigation, focusing on recent crimes while also scrutinising long-established patterns of violence. This effort aims to hold accountable those with a decades-long history of abuse. It tackles the impunity that has allowed human rights violations, including war crimes, to go unpunished and perpetuate cycles of violence. 

This investigation coincides with a resurgence of the M23 rebel group, which Kinshasa has identified as its greatest threat. For years, Western countries have accused Rwanda of backing M23 to gain control over the DRC’s valuable mineral resources, such as  gold. The rebel group’s activities have further strained relations between the DRC and Rwanda, contributing to wider instability across the Great Lakes region. By targeting not only rebel groups like M23 but also government officials from the DRC, the ICC aims to foster lasting stability and tackle the deep-rooted unrest that has plagued the region for decades. 

Lea Kohli

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The European Court of Human Rights is conventionally portrayed as the guardian of a right-based liberal democracy. The historical role assigned the Court’s system as an ‘alarm bell’ against the return of totalitarianism prevails until today. Is the Court equally apt to prevent the rise of populism? 

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This half-day symposium by Caritas Switzerland is dedicated to exploring the intricate relationship between climate protection and socioeconomic development in the Global South. With a diverse group of speakers such as development professionals, environmentally focused CSOs, green tech entrepreneurs, and climate activists from the Global South.

Monday, 11th November 2024, 8:30 PM - 3:00 PM, Best Western Plus Hotel Bern, Switzerland
Le 14 novembre 2024 : Le gouvernance mondiale en mutation

C'est une conférence du Secrétaire d'État aux Affaires étrangères Alexandre Fasel. 

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Wasserwerkgasse 7, 3011 Bern

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Montag, 18. November 2024, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM , Demokratie-Turm, Käfigturm 
| Marktgasse 67, 3011 Bern

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Tuesday, 19. November 2024, 12:30 PM - 2 PM, Room S8, Maison de la Paix | Chem. Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Genève

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Jeudi, 21 novembre 2024, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe | Ferme de Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne

Vers l'inscription
21st November 2024: Is the iron curtain making a comeback?

In many ways Putin's ideas are not different from the idea of an iron curtain that descended across the continent, ushering in the Cold War. Our times are different. But in some ways, history echoes. This lecture discusses that to prevent Putin from succeeding, to prevent a new cold war, Europe needs to show extraordinary resilience. 

Thursday, 21st November 2024, 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM, Room KOL-G-201, Universität Zürich-Zentrum | Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

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Donnerstag, 21. November 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Bundeshaus | Bundesplatz 3, 3003 Bern

22nd November 2024: Forum cinfo – Discover Your Path in International Cooperation

Are you a recent graduate or student looking to make a difference globally? Join Forum cinfo, the go-to event in Switzerland for exploring career opportunities in international cooperation. Whether you're just starting out or trying to find your way in this dynamic sector, this event is designed to help you connect with the right organisations and shape your future.

Friday, 22nd November 2024, 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Wankdorf Stadium 
| Papiermühlestrasse 71, 3014 Bern

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Le 22 novembre 2024: 10e Séminaire sur les relations entre la Suisse et l’Union européenne

A l’occasion de son dixième anniversaire, le Séminaire sur les relations entre la Suisse et l’Union européenne traitera de l’avenir des relations de la Suisse avec l’UE, à court terme avec une discussion sur les implications de l’élection d’un nouveau Parlement européen et les élections américaines, et à plus long terme avec l’évolution du marché unique et les perspectives de la jeune génération sur l’évolution de la coopération en Europe.

Vendredi, 22 novembre 2024, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Graduate Institute, Auditorium Ivan Pictet A | Maison de la Paix | Chem. Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Genève
Vers l'inscription
27. & 28. November 2024: Lucerne Dialogue

Mit dem Dialog im Zentrum bringt die Konferenz unterschiedliche Nationen, Disziplinen und Generationen zusammen. Über 700 Europäer:innen aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft kommen zusammen und diskutieren aktuelle Themen und Lösungen für die Zukunft.

Mittwoch, 27. November 2024, 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM & Donnerstag, 28. November 2024, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, KKL Luzern | Europaplatz 1, 6003 Luzern
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Bulgarien - Wie ein Oligarch das Land im Griff hat
Versuche, eine Regierung in Bulgarien zu bilden, sind bisher gescheitert. Am 27. Oktober wurde gewählt - zum siebten mal in drei Jahren.Diese Episode diskutuert, die der Oligarch Deljan Peewski das Land fest im Griff hat und ein Sinnbild für Korruption und Vetternwirtschaft ist. 

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