The U.S. Supreme Court just greenlighted extreme partisan gerrymandering, allowing the political party in power in any state to rig election maps—and environmental policy!—for a decade at a time.

SUPREME COURT UPDATE: The U.S. Supreme Court—with the support of new ultra-conservative justice Brett Kavanaugh, just greenlighted extreme partisan gerrymandering, allowing the political party in power in any state to rig election maps—and environmental policy!—for a decade at a time. Help us advocate on behalf of crucial federal election reforms AND mobilize in favor of independent non-partisan state-level redistricting commissions with a monthly gift. You'll also get our reusable shopping cart grocery bag—FREE!


Dear voornaam,

Clean air. Endangered species protections. The climate crisis. Partisan gerrymandering.

It might appear that one of these issues doesn't fit—but gerrymandering affects every single environmental law and policy choice. This makes the Supreme Court's recent Rucho decision a huge blow to our work to reverse the damage already being inflicted on our planet by the Trump administration.

SCOTUS just ruled that federal courts cannot stop the extreme partisan gerrymandering that's already created “safe” seats for numerous politicians. This means politicians are picking their voters, instead of the other way around. And if politicians don't have to worry about running against an opponent or listening to their constituents, they don't have any reason to compromise on issues like EPA funding, protections for our public lands, reducing fossil fuels, and more.

Rucho is a setback for environmental activists—but we have a plan. We will continue to engage our allies in the Senate to pass H.R. 1, the For the People Act—a major democracy reform package that will end partisan gerrymandering once and for all as well as protecting voting rights, stopping the flow of corporate money in politics, and more—while ramping up our work to help create independent redistricting in as many states as possible before 2021. But we can't do it all without your help.

Please, become an emergency monthly donor to the Sierra Club now. Help us defend our planet and ensure our democracy remains of, by, and for all people. As an added bonus, you'll get our reusable shopping cart grocery bag—FREE


I realize the Rucho decision may have passed under your radar completely. So let me fill you in on why it was such terrible news for our shared priorities.

Firstly, Rucho has huge implications for the 2021 redistricting process that will follow the 2020 Census. If one party is able to draw congressional and state legislative maps radically gerrymandered by party and race, not only will communities of color continue to be disproportionately disenfranchised, but our ability to protect clean air and clean water will be severely hampered.

The once-a-decade Census redistricting process offers a chance to put an end to extreme gerrymandering—and return power to the hands of the people, where it belongs. That's why in 2018 Sierra Club members across the country gathered signatures and campaigned tirelessly to pass five separate statewide ballot measures creating independent redistricting.

Of course, we'll continue those efforts, along with pushing for the passage of H.R. 1. Brett Kavanaugh and the ultraconservative SCOTUS majority last week sidelined democracy in favor of the special interests. We're counting on your support to help us keep districts competitive and representative—and protect our core democratic principles, our air and water, and our public lands.

Please, rush your gift right now so we can continue our push for passage of H.R. 1 and protect our planet and democracy.

With determination to stop these unending attacks on our democracy, our communities and our planet,

Courtney Hight
Democracy Program Director
Sierra Club

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