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Save 10% off your next theatre booking! 24 hours only
Summer may be over but we're not going to stop spoiling you... We've discovered a great way to stay warm and dry as the sun goes in early and we go into autumn, and that's to spend a few hours at the theatre!

Use our exclusive and limited voucher code below to book great tickets and save 10% off your whole booking so all your friends and family can benefit. You have to hurry though as it's only valid for 24 hours. Go and get booking your autumn shows today!
Code is valid for all theatre shows and performances found here
Minimum spend is £50
Voucher code will be valid only until September 22nd, 11:59PM but for any available performance dates
The voucher code can be used in conjunction with any other offers
The voucher code must be entered in the field "Please insert your promo code" in the secure checkout page
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Autumn MUST-SEE plays
Special offer - opens in two weeks!
A surprising and life-affirming new play, the Heisenberg cast stars Anne-Marie Duff and Kenneth Cranham
from £19.50
Book now
Starring Christian Slater
At a time of fierce debate about the American Dream and what it represents, Glengarry Glen Ross is a lacerating satire for modern society
from £28.75
Book now
Rave reviews!
A ruthless, red-topped new story that leads with the birth of this country’s most influential newspaper
from £17.25
Book now
Starring Suranne Jones and Jason Watkins
A play about retribution, remorse and redemption, Frozen explores the interwoven lives of three strangers as they try to make sense of the unimaginable
from £17.25
Book now
Ticket + Meal option available
Wilde’s marriage of glittering wit and Ibsenite drama create a vivid new theatrical voice. Starring Eve Best
from £21.00
Book now
Starring Zoe Wanamaker
Truth and alliances hastily shift in Pinter's brilliantly mysterious dark-comic masterpiece about the absurd terrors of the everyday
from £12.00
Book now
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Exclusive event on 6th October - book your tickets now!
On Friday 6th October 2017, the magic really happens. You will be given the chance to go behind-the-scenes of the Harry Potter film™ series!

- Access to the exclusive event at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter
- Gain entry to Warner Bros. Studio Tour London after hours on Friday 6th October 2017
- Meet Warwick Davis who played Professor Flitwick
- Come face to face with Death Eaters™ on Diagon Alley™
- Learn epic wand combat moves to defend against any lurking Death Eaters™
- Enjoy a scrumptious Butterbeer™ in a souvenir tankard
- Take home a new edition souvenir guide signed by Special Effects Supervisor, John Richardson (per booking group)
from £49.00
Book now
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