This is the most up-to-date info about this week's seller attendance at the time of publication. Please check in at the Foodwise Info Booth for any last-minute changes.
Ferry Plaza Farmers Market: Saturday, 8am-2pm | April 20 La Cocina Pop-Up: The Baking Endeavor Mandela Partners Pop-Up:Hella Juiced Sf Black Wealth Pop-Up:Boug Cali Returning: Beber Almondmilk, Capay Mills, City Bees, Devoto Gardens and Orchards, Flying Disc Ranch, Gumbo Social, Mangosay, Mark 'n Mike's, Nusa, Sunshine Organics, The Farmer's Wife, Triple Delight Blueberries, Volcano Kimchi Out: Annie's T Cakes, Bariani Olive Oil, Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company
Ferry Plaza Farmers Market: Tuesday, 10am-2pm | April 23 SF Climate Week Pop-Up Event with Hungry for Climate Action
Ferry Plaza Farmers Market: Thursday, 10am-2pm | April 25 En2Action's Ujamaa Kitchen Pop-Ups: Mekem's Kitchen, Wright's Delights
Mission Community Market: Thursday, 3pm-7pm | April 25 No changes |