Evaluating use of InMemory tables... Why is it slower than temp tables? - I created a table like this CREATE TABLE blahblahblah( LeafLevelDatasetId INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), DateKey INT NOT NULL, SafeRegionKey ...
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views - Just curious, how many of you use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views? Personally I prefer to use the DMVs like sys.tables, sys.columns,...
SQL 2014 FAIL_PAGE_ALLOCATION 129 - Hi, I migrated by DBs from SQL2008R2 to SQL2014 on a same server model: Phyiscal with 128 GB RAM. Since the migration,...
Stop SSMS providing the server name - Hello All, Can someone please advise if there is a way to stop SSMS providing the server name automatically in the...
Give access to users for certain data in the table or move that set of data to new table - Hi All, I have a question for the senior members to get a solution forthe below issue. Issue: We have a database, and...
Getting rid of duplicate records - Hi All, I have a table that stores schedule events. One event can be scheduled more than one time in one...
Converting Hour and Minute to Decimal - Hello, I am having some issues converting time to decimal from one of my column which display it as 2014-07- 08:16:31.000 (datetimecreated) A...
Transaction log full error - The database is in simple mode and when I try to shrink the log USE db1
encryption key - always on failover - We have always on environment. Every time that we fail over one of the database, the encryption key must be open manually. The following...
Stored Procedure help - Hi guys, I have been asked to amend a stored procedure created by another colleague as it is not sending out...
Rolling back after Committing - Hi All, Is there a way to recover previous values after committing an update on a table , apart from recovery from...
Introduce rows for ROW_NUMBER Solution - Hi All, Thanks for any help I may receive as this is complex for me and am really struggle a best...
Need to setup a sql alert on “waiting tasks” - similar to “waiting tasks” in Activity Monitor - My manager has asked me to work upon a request. I am not sure if it is reasonable or weird...
Allow Multple Values parameter - how to send an empty array - Hi, When adding a new parameter to report, there is an option Allow multiple values. If this option is checked, then the...
How to convert varbinary to date - How to convert varbinary to date with time? I tried like this SELECT CONVERT(datetime2, 0xB490E37742DFD408); It doesn’t work
Anyone using Python? - This was brought up in the automate everything article, so I figured I start a new thread on the topic. Anyone...
Using parameters in Execute SQL Task - Hmmm...how to best summarize this... I'm writing an SSDT package that: 1) Clones the table schema of a source table query to...
Create Dim from Existing Column of Single DSV into Tab Cube - Hello, I've got an SSIS pkg that loads data to SQL Server database from a single summarized table from Teradata,...
sql script to get a column count for every column in a table - I'm looking for a script that will do a count for every column in a table including the number of...
sp_fkeys -- Oracle equivalent? - Does anyone know if Oracle has an equivalent of sp_fkeys?