We begin the year with the last of our ‘actions for business’ briefings - one that is arguably the most fundamental of all. There’s little economic activity that isn’t dependent somewhere along its value chain on the natural world – from obvious sectors like food, pharma and energy, to the healthy eco-systems on which we all rely for fresh water and clean air. Yet the looming crisis in bio-diversity is being overshadowed by (welcome) international attention to climate change. The UN’s ‘conference of parties’ numbering says it all: COP16 on nature just finished in Columbia, well behind COP29 on climate, held this year in Azerbaijan. Attention in business similarly lags, as does disclosure of potential financial impacts in companies’ accounts, with TCFD now becoming mandatory while TNFD is only just getting off the starting blocks. One reason is that carbon emissions are global, while nature is local – and that’s a challenge for corporate strategy-setting and decision-making. Our writers this month bring their usual sound advice to help close that gap, with some great examples of action being taken. (Who knew how vital the humble horseshoe crab is?) A common denominator is local action combined with cross sector collaboration. This first briefing of the year also marks a change in how we will share our insights. Coming next from our teams of experts is a quarterly digest, allowing us to take a deeper dive on the topics that really matter to you. Rest assured, our focus remains on practical action, in keeping with our goal of ‘making sustainability happen’. Until then, a happy new year to you all. Mike Tuffrey |