As thousands of SFUSD students acclimate to their second week of the fall semester, Foodwise is getting ready to welcome them to the farmers market for field trips and rich educational experiences, meeting farmers and enjoying healthy, local food. We’re currently facing a huge demand, with 100 classes on the waitlist for our Foodwise Kids program alone.
We’re just over halfway to our fundraising goal of $30,000 to support critical food education for San Francisco youth—and we need your help to get to the finish line!Will you chip in now to help us reach our goal by September 6?
We know you care about the future of small family farmers, farmers markets, and equitable food access. That future depends on all kids being able to participate in our local food system, nourish themselves, and feel that farmers markets are a place for them. Over the last year, see what your support has helped make possible:
2,626 SFUSD elementary school students and 445 adults accessed fresh fruits and veggies and educational experiences through our Foodwise Kids farmers market field trips and hands-on cooking classes. 85 SFUSD high school students participated in our Foodwise Teens food justice, job training, and youth development program, while getting paid for their work. The program has a 95% retention rate, and 9 of our program graduates were hired as employees by farmers, food businesses, and Foodwise at our farmers markets. 95 kids and 92 adults participated in our Family Cook Nights, where kids and adults practiced their cooking skills together, preparing healthy meals from scratch using farmers market produce. We paid stipends to education interns for much-needed program support for Foodwise Kids and Teens, while growing future food educators.
You can help make these critical experiences possible for Bay Area kids and families, and contribute an equitable and sustainable food future. Will you invest in youth in your community and help get us to our goal by September 6 with a donation today? |