5 Secrets to Writing a Series Character
When I began my first book starring Jim Brodie, my goal was simply to write the best book I could. I didn't have visions of a series. Then, as I polished the final draft, readying the manuscript for submission to an agent, new story ideas for Brodie began to pop into my head. I took a step back to consider the possibility of making Brodie a series character, realizing that a lot depended on how Japantown was received. But I decided to give myself a little more breathing room just in case. ... Over the years, I'd gleaned from interviews with other authors that the planning of their series characters followed one of two paths: either they allowed themselves flexibility for the future, or they moved hastily, and inadvertently penned themselves in. Click here to continue.
Literary agent Julie Dinneen of D4EO Literary is open to queries! She is currently seeking literary fiction, as well as upmarket general, women's, and historical fiction. Read More... |
| Guide to Literary Agents 2018
| The 2018 edition is now available, with listing information for more than 1,000 agents who represent writers! | $29.99 $24.99 | |
Writing a memoir is difficult and extremely time consuming. Like many things in life, if it were easy, everyone would do it. It is so difficult in fact, that there are in all likelihood more memoir drafts on paper, computer hard drives, and various memory devices than memoirs published. The rewards of writing a published work, however, can be beyond imagination. No words can adequately describe the feeling of seeing one's book on the shelves of a bookstore for the first time. It is like Christmas morning and your birthday all rolled into one. Read More... |
Couldn't make it to the 2017 Writer's Digest Annual Conference in New York City this past weekend? Don't worry, we've got you covered, with some of the best tips on queries, pitching, and general agent advice. Read More... |
Cris Freese Cris Freese is the managing editor for Writer's Digest Books and Writer's Market. He edits Guide to Literary Agents (both online and in print) and Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. Follow him on Twitter @crisfreese. |