Best Tips (June 05, 2019)
If you have a sandal that is fine except for the clasp, you may be able to cheaply fix it with an ordinary key ring. Check out today's featured post for more information. If you have a helpful frugal tip for summer, please share it with us. You might win $50 in one of our upcoming contests.

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Today's Featured Post

Fix Sandal Clasp with Key Ring

By Monica

key ring fixI purchased a pair of sports sandals for $.50 at the thrift store. I hadn't noticed a plastic clasp was broken on one side of a sandal. I decided to get pliers and completely break the piece off the sandal and do the same to the other side.

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Today's Guides
Tips for Burning Extra Calories
Woman Burning Calories
Sending Get Well Cards
Man in Hospital With Get Well Card
Saving Money on Food When Traveling
Family eating food while on vacation.
Keeping Salt from Clumping in the Shaker
salt shaker
Growing Moonflowers
moonflower closeup
Recycled Container Craft Ideas
Recycled Ribbon Dispenser
Today's Posts

Rainbow Jello Cups

Rainbow Jello CupsThese rainbow jello cups are a fun way make jello for a party. Check out this video and learn how to make them.

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