Buy one DVD and get 40% off the rest
Backing Tracks Sale

Backing tracks for less than a dollar (or pound) per song

For churches wanting backing tracks on a budget you can't get better value for money than the Worship Backing Band DVDs. And with our flash sale the price per song works out as less than a dollar (or pound) per song. Pay full price for the first DVD and you'll get 40% off the other DVDs you select.

Each Worship Backing Band DVD volume contains 35 split tracl backing tracks. With split tracks you can set the vocals at zero or all the way up to full depending on whether you have a confident lead singer. Split tracks also feature on-screen lyrics.

Copy the songs from the DVD onto your computer and then into a playlist using software such as iTunes, VLC or Windows Media Player. Once you've got your playlists set up you can then easily flow from song to song during a service using a laptop, iPad - even your cell phone.

Watch how the DVDs work [video above]

To access our flash sale choose one of the DVD volumes and put that into your cart. You'll be charged full price for that volume. You'll then see the option to add any or all of the other volumes. These will be charged at just 60% of the normal retail price saving you 40%.

You'll also find that our 54 song volume of Musicians Practice Tracks is available as an add-on purchase at just $12/£12 - a massive saving! You get onscreen chords and lyrics with these tracks so a great practice tool.

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Berry Lane, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire WD35EY United Kingdom