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Sep 20, 2024  /  The Right News Right When It Happens
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Despite Lower Interest Rates, Housing Market Still Faces Obstacles
Washington, DC, September 20, 2024—"After months of anticipation, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates on Wednesday by half a percentage point,” reports NPR.
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Today's Flooring News
Foreign Investment In Mexico Hit $31 Billion in First Half of 2024
High Point, NC, September 20, 2024-"Foreign direct investment in Mexico topped $31 billion in the first six months of the year, an all-time high according to the country’s Ministry of Economy. This year is pacing 7% higher than 2023,” reports Furniture Today.
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ASTM Standard for Mitigating Moisture Beneath Resilient Approved
Theodore, AL, September 20, 2024-ASTM F06 recently approved a new standard that covers single-component fluid-applied moisture mitigation systems for use under resilient flooring
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Kenneth Frazier of Frazier's Carpet One Has Died
Knoxville, TN, September 20, 2024-- Kenneth Frazier, 77, former president of Frazier’s Carpet One, died September 16.
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Hero Flooring Names Elaf Rubber Middle East Distribution Partner
Las Vegas, NV, September 20, 2024—Hero Flooring announces Elaf Rubber, a Middle East distributor for resilient flooring, as the master distributor of all Hero Rubber + Nike Grind products throughout the Middle East market.
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Featured Video
Jon Youngberg and Scott Bertram Discuss Tom Duffy's Annual Floorsight Meeting in Lake Tahoe
September 20, 2024—Jon Youngberg and Scott Bertram, VP of Sales and Marketing-Installation Supplies and VP of Sales-Flooring, respectively with
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