| Dear Sir or Madam,
Our team is working eagerly on the new ITB Berlin NOW platform with all its functions, must-haves and contents. Did you check out what's in store for you at ITB Berlin NOW yet? Meanwhile, we'll be hosting another free Virtual Convention next week Thursday, 10 December, with an expert panel on COVID-19 and sustainability in tourism. What else? We've got daily industry news freshly produced for you. And last but not least: a Call for Papers you shouldn't miss when you are in the travel tech biz. We'll tell you more in today's newsletter. Your ITB Berlin Team
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| What will it be about? With COVID-19 sustainability and climate protection will once again shift into the global focus. Will politicians use this reset to push sustainability or rather focus on economic recovery? Will we travel more sustainably in the future? What are the plans of tour operators and destinations, cruise operators and hotels in terms of sustainability? Join our free virtual convention session on 10 December, 12 noon to hear out what experts have to say!
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| Introducing the panelists • Lucienne Damm, Senior Environmental Manager, TUI Cruises • Randy Durband, CEO, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) • Peter-Mario Kubsch, CEO, Studiosus • Julia Massey, Vice President Global Sustainability, Kempinski Hotels Moderated by: • Rika Jean-Francois, CSR Commissioner, ITB Berlin
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Call for papers available now! For the eTravel World convention program at ITB Berlin NOW we are looking for innovative strategies and solutions in travel tech and digitalization! Digital and Content Marketing, Social Media, Social Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality, Data Cloud, Open Source, Apps, TTA… your business model tackles on one of those topics? Then make sure to apply until 18 December!
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News from the industry. Daily. In the news section of itb.com/news you receive free and daily updated news from the industry. Our freshest selection: "Nice Airport Introduces Free Antigen Testing" "Advancing an International Code for Protection of Tourists" "Luxury Hotel Market Still on the Rise" "Accor Takes Full Ownership of SBE's Lifestyle Hotel Brands"
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The must-attend event in March 2021! This is what you can expect from ITB Berlin NOW: ► 4 days of focused business ► Insider knowledge from international industry experts ► Smart matching and meeting tools ► Inspiring exhibitor showcases ► Targeted sponsoring options Save your early-bird benefits until 15 January 2021 to join as exhibitor! The trade visitor ticketshop will open in January 2021.
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Management board: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO), Dirk Hoffmann (CFO) Chairman of the Supervisory board: Wolf-Dieter Wolf Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (District Court), HRB 5484 B (Commercial Code)