The latest from Doc Gumshoe
| DAILY UPDATE December 6, 2016 | | |
| Greetings! | Doc Gumshoe came back from the Thanksgiving break with a smorgasbord of updates and thoughts for our favorite readers -- this one has a bit of everything, a look at a couple over-hyped health ads, some updates on past articles, and just enough controversy to get a few comments flowing... you can see that new article by clicking here. Or if you missed the investment piece that we sent out late yesterday, just read on...
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| 7 Top-Rated "Trump" Stocks to Buy NOW! | Charles Payne, one of the nation's highest profile market commentators, has hand-picked seven growth stocks that are set to deliver BIG money under the Trump administration. Once he takes office in January, investors will rush to buy these stocks and send their prices skyrocketing. Download your free copy NOW to get the names of these hidden plays before they take off! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS |
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| Over the weekend the most-requested teaser ad was the one from Doug Casey's Crisis Investing and editor Nick Giambruno, and it's all about the big Sunday news -- the Italian referendum and the possible changes in the euro and the European Union ... so how does Giambruno hint that we can "profit from the collapse of the European Union?" He's got three ideas to pitch, and we fed the clues to the Mighty, Mighty Thinkolator. Answers and some blatheration on that topic can be found right here. | | |
| Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment. Most issues of this email newsletter include advertising, and it should not be assumed that the presence of an advertisement means that the product or service advertised is endorsed by Stock Gumshoe or the author. For full disclaimers, disclosure information, and privacy policies please see the prominent links at the bottom of each page at If you wish to unsubscribe to these mailings, there are links at both the bottom and top of this email that you can use to do so permanently and safely, we have no wish to email people who don't want to receive these messages. Please note that unsubscribing using the link below applies only to receiving emails, if you are a member of the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars that membership will not automatically change or be canceled. Please contact us if you need to change a paid membership. | | |