October 21, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the Annals of Gumshoedom this week?  Let's catch you up...

We started with the Oxford Club's pitch about one stock that could make you rich, Alex Green thinks it "could become the most important AI company in the world"... sounds like a lot of optimism, no?  What's the stock?  Just click below to...

Peabody Award-winning journalist Bill Tucker sat down with a reclusive multimillionaire trader... 858 miles OUTSIDE of Wall Street... to discuss a revolutionary new trading strategy that involves...

One ticker... one trade... every week.

The fast-hitting profit potential is extraordinary.

Learn More


We also checked in on the "$3 AI Wonder Stock" being (still) promoted by Ross Givens, since questions continue to roll in about that one.  

And AI was also the heart of the first Colin Tedards pitch from Brownstone Research, as he touts his "next NVIDIA" pick.

(If you're wondering about other AI pitches, they might well be in our "25 AI Picks from Everybody" article, but I'm sure we'll keep seeing more)

A new earnings report (and a new December 10 "deadline") caused me to revisit the "Amazon's Secret Royalty" pitch -- the company's been squeezed lately, but perhaps there's hope for the future.

And I closed it out with the Friday File for my favorite people, including a look at some gold stocks, the Intuitive Surgical quarter, other REITs being squeezed by higher rates... and four buys and a sell in my Real Money Portfolio, just clck below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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