Topics of interest: 0:00:00 Gary's Intro 0:01:19 Anne asks an insightful question about Gary's "Is it logical" reframe. Gary, Sheri and Gabrielle respond. 0:12:47 Gary introduces Maria and they continue from the previous session. Two private sessions occurred between those two Webinars and they are summarized. She reports that all the past specific events we did in the last Webinar, as well as in the two private sessions, were still collapsed…no problem whatsoever. 0:18:22 Gary asks to do some Unseen Therapist rounds in behalf of her 10 month daughter Salome's eye issue. In the process, THE AUDIENCE IS ASKED TO PARTICIPATE IN A WAY THAT IS DESIGNED TO HELP EACH MEMBER WITH THEIR OWN SPECIFIC EVENTS. 0:25:23 Gary walks Maria and audience through two Unseen Therapist rounds for Salome's eye issue. These exercises include AN EMPHASIZED LOVE SESSION and SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS DESIGNED TO HELP THE AUDIENCE. 0:43:00 Gary shifts to Maria's issues that may impact her anger, frustration, sadness, etc. A lengthy discussion unfolds regarding HER RESPONSE to many of her father's critical behaviors toward her. These involve her giving childbirth out of wedlock, her menstrual period and her sexuality. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SEGMENT TO STUDY IN DETAIL because, after rounds with The Unseen Therapist, Maria sees her father as "calling for love" with his behaviors, rather than being critical. THIS IS AMONG THE HIGHEST RANKING RESULTS/REFRAMES THAT WE CAN ACHIEVE. It begins around 1:08:22. Gary and Sheri comment. 1:35:37 Colleen asks, "If we are responsible for our own issues, how do we address them without beating ourselves up?" Gary responds. 1:42:30 Irwin talks about his specific event and how, within it, The Unseen Therapist pointed to other important issues. Gary responds. 1:46:52 Reenah found herself distracted during her audience participation. Gary responds with a discussion on our ego's cleverness to distract us when we are getting close to our Oneness and true resolution of our issues. Sheri comments. |