From the McDougall Kitchen: Batch Cooking

Batch cooking is a time-saving and tasty strategy to keep your meals on track. Whether you enjoy it freshly made or as leftovers, you won't be able to resist our hearty Cannellini Bean Stew. Jeff’s Mexican Beans and Rice are not only a cinch to prepare but also incredibly versatile, ideal for enjoying as is, or wrapped in a warm tortilla or over a bed of greens. Wholesome quinoa forms the foundation for our flavorful Rainbow Skillet Hash, featuring potatoes, corn and peas. Another flavorful option is Hearty Dal Soup, which includes a serving of greens. And last but not least, don't forget about the beloved McDougall favorite – Mashed Potatoes with Creamy Golden Gravy, perfect for a quick and satisfying snack or meal.

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