LOWER blood pressure, SLASH cholesterol, and BANISH blood clots starting in just 30 days Dear DEREK, An ancient Chinese cure has been shown to work cardiovascular miracles—starting in just 30 days. And it stands to revolutionize how America treats heart disease—now and forever. Its scientific name translates in Latin to "shiny horse." And according to Greek legend, it healed old racehorses that had been put out to pasture. Genghis Kahn fed it to his men and horses during battle to increase their stamina and strength. He went on to establish the greatest continental empire of medieval and modern times. And most recently, it was the official drink of the Chinese athletes during the 2008 Beijing Olympics — they won 51 gold medals. You could write all these facts off as pure coincidence and lore, but the modern science behind this berry can't be denied. By lowering blood pressure... Slashing cholesterol... And banishing blood clots... Starting in just 30 days... This ancient cure offers salvation from heart attack, stroke, and disease. Click here for all the exclusive details. Karen Reddel |