Exceptional news! We are thrilled to announce the Community Token Allocation Program, giving our valued supporters a chance to claim XRP from the five billion token allocation. Starting on February 24th, 2023, the redistributed XRP shares can be claimed by individual accounts included in the snapshot taken on January 1st. More than 4 million users are eligible for this allocation, based on address activity and network usage parameters. Multipliers start at 1.25x and increase according to each account metrics, topping up at 1.70x for matching all of the given criteria such as the snapshot balance inclusion, trustline and trading activity, username registration and NFT minting or swapping. Receive your allocation by submitting a claim on the Ripple Token Allocation Tool before the deadline. Requests made after 12:00 PM on March 15, 2023 will automatically be denied and unclaimed tokens will be transferred back into escrow for future use. Technical details and instructions have been published on our blog. Thank you! Team Ripple |