| | | | João Pereira de Araújo, Taquari District, Brazil, March 2015, from the series "Submerged Portraits" © Gideon Mendel | | | | MEMORY AND MATERIALITY | | Workshop: Saturday/Sunday, 21/22 July, 2018, 10 am–6 pm Lecture: Friday, 20 July, 6pm | | | | | | | | | | The home of John Jackson, Toll Bar Village near Doncaster, UK, June 2017 from the series "Floodlines" © Gideon Mendel | | | | This workshop will focus on the depiction of objects, materiality, memory and history in direct relationship with family history, personal memory or feelings. Participants will be asked to bring a variety of items (these could be documents, objects, even non-physical like anecdotes and crucial memories) relating to their own emotional and social legacy. A wide range of approaches is equally valid, from deeply individual/personal engagement through to more social and historical approaches. The collaborative engagement with Gideon Mendel will focus on visual responses to these items – and an interrogation of how they might be depicted photographically. In essence this will be an ‘anti still life’ workshop and a deeply personal process is anticipated. The focus of the workshop will be on finding ways to make these objects and the stories they represent meaningful to a wider audience. This will be an active hands-on experience with a conceptual overlay consisting of a series of individual and group feedback sessions. All participants are asked to bring digital cameras and laptops to allow for rapid experimentation and assessment of work. Gideon Mendel’s intimate style of image-making and long-term commitment to socially engaged projects has earned him international acclaim. Born in Johannesburg in 1959, Mendel established his career with his searing photographs of the final years of apartheid. In 1991 he moved to London, and continued to respond to global issues, especially HIV/AIDS. Since 2007, Mendel has been working on "Drowning World", an art and advocacy project about flooding that is his personal response to climate change. Solo shows of "Drowning World" have been shown at many galleries and public installations around the world, most recently at Les Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles. During 2016, Mendel received the inaugural Jackson Pollock Prize for Creativity and the Greenpeace Photo Award. Shortlisted for the Prix Pictet in 2015, he has also received the Eugene Smith Award for Humanistic Photography, the Amnesty International Media Award and six World Press awards. | | | | | | The home of Abdul Rashid, Kashmir, India, 2014 from the series "Watermarks" © Gideon Mendel | | | | From 24 May to 9 September, 2018 the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt is presenting works by Gideon Mendel in the exhibition EXTREME. ENVIRONMENTS for RAY 2018. In addition, a lecture by Gideon Mendel will take place on Friday, 20 July, 2018 at 6 pm at Fotografie Forum Frankfurt. The Workshop and Lecture will be held in English. Workshop registration is open until June 29, 2018 on the FFF website: www.fffrankfurt.org/gideon-mendel | | | | unsubscribe here Newsletter was sent to newsletter@newslettercollector.com © 11 Jun 2018 photography-now.com Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin Editor: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke contact@photography-now.com T +49.30.24 34 27 80 | |
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