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Gigaom Change


So much is happening in the world of technology over the course of a week we thought it would be insightful to aggregate all of the business intelligence we're uncovering into a once a week newsletter that keeps you up to date with information and innovations specific to seven key technologies we'll be featuring at our Gigaom Change 2016 Leaders Summit.

The Gigaom Change Team

We've had the stone age, the iron age and the industrial age, are we now in a nano age?

Already a multi-billion dollar industry it's about to get much, much bigger.

Many jobs can be automated, including that of CEO's. What's the key to keeping yours (for now at least)?

What jobs are mostly likely to be done by robots in the future?

Slack Invests In An Ecosystem Of Bot Companies.

Slack has announced $2M in funding for bot startups, passed out to 11 new companies and 3 existing investments.

Quote of the week...

"Homo Sapiens are dead. Homo Digitus is the future because we will be surrounded by intelligence and amplified and augmented by intelligence".