Explore code and developers on GitHub today, Mar 24.

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GitHub topic recommendation

# guoxin

Build a web game this April!
Game Bytes

Build a web game this April!

Gamedev.js Jam returns this April challenging web developers to build a game based on a theme. Join in to have fun and/or win prizes.

Learn to Code
Collection recommended by GitHub

Learn to Code

Resources to help people learn to code
GPT-4 is here, GitHub Galaxy, curl turns 25, ClippyGPT and more!
The Download

GPT-4 is here, GitHub Galaxy, curl turns 25, ClippyGPT and more!

On this episode of The Download, Christina is back to break down the GPT-4 hype and cover the other big developer news and open source projects of the week.

Trending repositories


mckaywrigley / chatbot-ui

A ChatGPT clone for running locally in your browser.

mayooear / gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain

GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs

NVIDIAGameWorks / Path-Tracing-SDK

Real-time path tracing library and sample

GerevAI / gerev

🧠 Google-like Search engine for your organization. 🔎

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