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2 jaren geleden
Make a gift to Poetry Daily today
Dear , It is Giving Tuesday and we hope that you will make a gift to Poetry Daily today. Contributions from loyal readers like you help us make contemporary poetry accessible to over 570,000 people each year—casual and dedicated poetry lovers alike looking to discover new favorite poets, students who cannot afford journal subscriptions, the many people who rely on Poetry Daily to provide a moment of inspiration in their busy days. Crucially, this year, your donation will help us sustain our only paid staff position, Poetry Daily’s managing editor, whose vital work makes it possible to present a new poem to the world each day. Thanks to your donations, over the past two years, Poetry Daily has been able to:
Further develop What Sparks Poetry as a resource for classrooms and individual readersPresent virtual poetry readings and conversationsLaunch a new educational program in the Fairfax County Juvenile Detention Center, encouraging incarcerated youths to use their own voices for self-expressionThere is much more to come in the new year. Thank you, as always, for your support. Sincerely, The Poetry Daily Team