Are You Faking It? “Come set me free. Inside this shell there's a prison cell." - John Foreman, Switchfoot It is easy to fake it and hard to be real. In the midst of a pandemic, we are desperately trying to show people we aren’t just surviving but thriving. Everyone is struggling and dealing with the same issues all around the world. Loss, regret, depression, pain, anxiety, worry, fear. However, the problem is life is all about performing, and we need to perform or perish. | |
Latin American Soccer Ministry Starts with Chaplains | The pressures to perform and the celebrity status that comes alongside success can be a delicate balancing act for even the most experienced athlete. FCA invests in individuals at every level of competition, seeking to reach the heart of every coach and athlete across the globe. Forty-three leaders completed a chaplaincy training program to serve soccer players across Latin America. | |
| Playing for Impact in Korea - Pro Baseball Shares Testimony | Tyler Wilson desires to glorify God through playing baseball in Korea. Wilson encountered Jesus Christ for the first time through FCA when he was playing baseball at a US college. | | |
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