| | | | Sasan Moayyedi: Love Story | | Global Peace Photo Award 2024 | | Call for Entries Deadline: 19 May 2024 | | Submission: www.globalpeacephotoaward.org | |  | | | |  | |  | | Barbare Chikviladze: Water Fun | |  | | Founded in 2013 as the Alfred Fried Photography Award, the Global Peace Photo Award is the world's major award for peace photography and attracts entries from more than 120 countries every year. Photographers from all over the world continue to show us "What peace looks like" for them personally.
The Global Peace Photo Award is inspired by the example of the 1911 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Alfred Fried and Tobias Asser.
What does peace look like?
Submissions: www.globalpeacephotoaward.org
Deadline: 19 May 2024
Entry is free of charge.
Terms and Conditions: here
Prizes: For the first time in 2024, there will be a total of € 11,000 in cash prizes to be won in all 6 categories!
The Peace Image of the Year will be honoured with a cash price of € 7,000. It will be exhibited in the Austrian Parliament for one year and included in the permanent art collection of the Austrian Parliament.
3 winners in the Stories category will each receive € 1,000 1 winner in the single picture category receives € 1,000
All winning works will be awarded the Alfred Fried Peace Medal and the photographers will be invited to the award ceremony in Vienna in September 2024, with travel expenses and accommodation covered. All submitted images have the chance to take part in international exhibitions. | |  | |  | | Elrea Song: Combing Peace | |  | | The call for entries is also open for children!
Children aged 14 or younger can submit their contributions for the Children's Peace Picture of the Year.
The honorary chair for the Children's Peace Image of the Year is Waris Dirie, a committed human rights activist. The Award is supported by the German Youth Photography Award.
The Children's Peace Image of the Year will be honoured with the Alfred Fried Peace Medal and a cash price of € 1,000 sponsored by the Vienna Insurance Group. The winner and his or her parents are invited to the award ceremony in Vienna. If a photo group wins, one representative member of the group and his or her parents are invited to the ceremony with travel expenses and accommodation paid.
Works of the Global Peace Photo Award have been exhibited at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, at the Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin, at the Geneva Peace Week, at the Forum Austriaco di Cultura in Rome and the eXposure Festival in Sharjah. Moreover, the shortlisted images, plus 320 other remarkable works, have been put together in a 50-minute animation, shown 7 times a day on the DIGI-WALL at Vienna's main railway station, which can be seen by 18,000 travellers a day.
The winning pictures and a best-of the-shortlist 2023 have been shown at the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo, the largest outdoor photo festival in Europe, with over 300,000 visitors. Under the title "A Culture of Solidarity" another selection of images were shown in Tulln, Austria and Celje, Slovenia.
The participants of the Global Peace Photo Award 2024 can look forward to a series of exhibitions.
The Global Peace Photo Award is organized by Edition Lammerhuber in partnership with Photographische Gesellschaft (PHG), UNESCO, Austrian Parliament, Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, International Press Institute (IPI), German Youth Photography Award, World Press Photo Foundation, POY LATAM, LensCulture, APA – Austria Presse Agentur, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) e.V. and Vienna Insurance Group. | |  | |  | | Maggie Shannon: Joy | |  | | unsubscribe here Newsletter was sent to newsletter@newslettercollector.com
© 16 Apr 2024 photography now UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin Editors: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke contact@photography-now.com . T +49.30.24 34 27 80 | |
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