This position statement offers a simple and patient-centred clinical decision-making model with practical treatment recommendations that can be widely implemented by primary care clinicians worldwide through shared-decision conversations with their patients (Primary Care Diabetes) By combining results from five European cohorts, and thus significantly increasing study sample size, we identified 76 CpG sites associated with incident type 2 diabetes (Diabetologia) SGLT2i can be a valid therapeutic strategy for patients with T2DM and comorbid hyperuricemia. Besides reducing FPG, body weight, and HbA1c, SGLT2i can significantly decrease SUA levels compared to placebo (Journal of Diabetes Research) NICE guideline [NG28]Published: 02 December 2015 Last updated: 15 February 2022 Patients with T2D and PAD derived similar relative cardiorenal benefits from canagliflozin treatment but higher absolute benefits compared to those without PAD, with no increase in MALE (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) Empagliflozin may reduce steatosis but not fibrosis risk in individuals with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The improvements in cardiorenal outcomes and mortality associated with empagliflozin therapy appear to be independent of steatosis and fibrosis risk (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism) Liraglutide had beneficial actions on glycemic parameters and cardiometabolic risk factors in both non-obese and obese patients with T2DM, with a greater efficacy in the latter (Diabetes Therapy) Post-hoc analysis reveals >9 letter gain in mean BCVA that was maintained for the remaining four months of the trial after the last THR-149 injection with no rescue treatment required These gains were seen in patients that are part of the 40-50% of DME patients that suboptimally respond to standard of care anti-VEGF therapy (Oxurion) We found no evidence that metformin was associated with risk of AMD in primary care patients requiring treatment for type 2 diabetes (BMJ) Canagliflozin reduces visceral adipose tissue and improves blood glucose, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation in people with newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes (BMC Endocrine Disorders volume)