The STREAM study revealed that sitagliptin treatment effectively improved the glycemic profile without any serious adverse effects, including self-reported hypoglycemia, in older T2D patients (Nature Briefing) Regarding prevention, as it remains unclear whether the administration of drugs with neuroprotective effects (DPP-4i, GLP-1 receptor agonists etc.) would reduce the incidence and progression of small vessel disease or the progression of brain atrophy, it will be necessary to explore the respective associations in prospective research (Journal of Diabetes Investigation) Generally, the use of SGLT2i was consistently associated with decreased risk of renal events in all prespecified eGFR and albuminuria spectrums, even in patients with substantial renal impairment (Acta Diabetologica) Combination of conventional treatment and BPS therapy delays the decline of eGFR in patients with DN in the long term (Diabetes Therapy)