Google employees demand end to company's AI work with Defense Department More than 3,000 Google employees signed a letter criticizing the company for assisting with Project Maven, a Pentagon initiative involving AI and drone footage. As technology changes and companies adapt, IT hiring priorities will evolve as well. In September and October 2017, Tech Pro Research conducted a survey to find out if developments in areas like artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud have changed... |
 Additional TechRepublic resources | Video: These industries will soon be impacted by biometric security BioCatch's VP Frances Zelazny explains why companies are dropping passwords in favor of biometric security like fingerprint and iris scanners.biometricbiometric Today's recommended downloads | (Tech Pro Research) (Tech Pro Research) |
 A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic | The smartest companies now approach cybersecurity with a risk management strategy. Learn how to make policies to protect your most important digital assets. Connect with TechRepublic |