MOST POPULAR Can You Get There from Here? Seattle has joined Chicago in using a new tool that plots construction and other projects that could impact people’s ability to seamlessly navigate city streets. dotMaps offers a visual look at a variety of potential disruptions, offering value for residents as well as city staff. First conceived as primarily a tool for city agencies to coordinate their work (think: “dig once” initiatives), the publicly available map also informs viewers of public events that could disrupt street or sidewalk access. Cyberattack: Tell All or Shut Down? Transparency is a stated priority for nearly every modern government leader. But what about when it comes to a cyberincident? Many people embrace openness at all costs, calling it their duty to fully inform the public about what happened and their response. But others worry that disclosing too much leaves them vulnerable for more bad actors to exploit their weaknesses before recovery is complete. Fueled by a discussion at the recent CityLabDC event, GT’s Zack Quaintance got the perspective of many government cyberleaders. Investing in Equity A growing tide of civic activists inside and outside of government are redoubling their efforts when it comes to digital equity: ensuring all citizens can benefit from the forward progress brought about by government digital transformation efforts. But the 2020 Census has brought the need into especially sharp focus. Philadelphia this week announced eight grant recipients, each doing work focused on engaging traditionally hard-to-count populations in the upcoming “digital” Census. Biz News: Tyler Leans into Justice Market Major gov tech vendor Tyler Technologies announced another acquisition this week, the latest in a year filled with major purchases for the publicly traded company. Vancouver, B.C.-based Courthouse Technologies is now joining the fold. Its jury-related technology complements Tyler’s existing courts and justice-related software. |